Monday, February 23, 2009

I will laugh harder

So in this new path as a photographer, I am presented with many challenges, frustrations, ups and downs. One of my main challenges is trying to develop a workflow at home. Why is that a challenge? How does one work on her business while being at home with a 4 and 2 year old? I have been struggling, at times I cry, other times I laugh, other times I scream and most of the time I do all of the above. And when I do not shoot for a while, I get that feeling deep inside telling me that perhaps this is not it or this is going to take so much longer than I think and will I ever make it? I know where I want to go, to be at, but the inbetweens and internal battles make it look so far away at times and then there are little victories here and there and I like Third day's song that says Give me Revelation, Show me what to do. Cause I have been trying to find my way. I have not gotten a clue. It is not that I don't know what I want, I do, it is that I lack the resources , I wish I could go to WPPI or attenda the Kubata boot camp and do other great photographer stuff. and I know I should not focus on the lack or the need but focus on being committed, being committed to being a professional fabulous photographer and that everything else will fall into place. No picture for this post but a video showing a glimpse of my day. and a few years from now this will be so much funnier, I will laugh harder.

1 comment:

Bianca Valentim Photography said...

don't worry!!
nao é so vc!!!
sei q é mais dificil por causa das kids..
mas vc sabe q vc vai chegar onde quer!!
Continue com esse pensamento, q no futuro, vc vai lembrar disso tudo e rir mto!!