Monday, March 9, 2009

The Bumps

Lots of editing still to come and more pictures to post of the awesome two maternity shoots I had this weekend of mommy Francine and mommy Rita. I love preggies! and when I shoot a maternity session, I really try to get differant angles and do crazy stuff to get a glimpse of the essence of the woman, the mom, the girl or the parents that is behind that bump, I luv pictures that speaks to me, that you can almost taste or smell so I aim for that. As I said before, every picture tells a story and I want to capture yours so here is an ad for all you pregnant Jersey and Philly moms to start calling moi!


Mary Marantz said...

ahh love the card!

Orchard Cove Photography said...

I love the way you express what you like about shooting bellies!