
While doing kids portraits, the parents are running around trying to make the kids laugh, to sit in a certain way, all proper, watching if strands of hair are out of place, than I hear, oh he does not smile oh there is no luck with that one, and the parent gets all frustrated, meanwhile I am shooting like 10 shots a second and praying for the more natural poses and a more natural interaction between and the subjects, and once they see IT afterwards there is a sigh of relief and that they do not know which ones to choose. I see how proud they are of their beautiful children, only 10 days for Christmas shots, than maybe I can start my shopping
My phone rings and I pick up and it is one more person wanting to know about the Christmas shots. Some keep putting off thinking they will have time but last day I am doing Christmas prints is November 25th, others a rushing in to make their spot secure. This has been one of my favorite shots so far of little Jordon's White Christmas. My friend had bought these big flakes for me to use as Christmas props and I envisioned it in my mind finally tried it! Let it Snow, Let i Snow, Let it Snow!.
So I was not sure if this was going to work, but I was shown some photos where the photographer wet the belly in the maternity session and they were stunning. I have to say I am pleased with the results of the wet look! and BTW the baby was jumping and moving all around when I sprayed mammas belly, very cute...
She must be thing, YO what you doing out there?
maybe not- hehehehe lolllllll